
Instituto de Ingeniería Matemática y Computacional

Facultad de Matemáticas - Escuela de Ingeniería


The Institute of Mathematical and Computational Engineering (IMCE) of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC) is calling for applications to a full-time academic position at the Associate or Full Professor level. It is expected that the selected candidate serves as Director of the Institute for a period of at least 5 years. 

"Inverse Problems Methods, Applications and Synergies (IPMAS) 2019" abordó importantes temáticas en áreas de la interferometría, microscopía tridimensional, imagenes y exámenes médicos, además de sismos y tsunamis.

Why developing an Adaptive Optics Training in Chile? 

More and more instruments at big observatories in Chile are equipped with Adaptive Optics (AO) requiring their staff to understand how an AO system works in order to help producing the best observations out of it.

The Institute for Mathematical and Computational Engineering was recently created as a joint endeavor between the School of Engineering and the Faculty of Mathematics of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago.


Los representantes del Capítulo Estudiantil SIAM-PUC participaron del Student Days, evento donde pudieron compartir con sus pares, conversar sobre los temas de interés y revisar lo que se está realizando en otros lugares del mundo respecto a las matemáticas aplicadas.


15 - 16 y 17 de enero 2019

The objective of the workshop is to put together the state of the art of different methodologies of inverse problems with real applications in Astronomy, Medicine, Geophysics and Mining and promote the synergies to share scientific and algorithmic methods in inverse problems.


Por seis semanas, el profesor Carlos Sing Long del Instituto de Ingeniería Biológica y Médica (IIBM) realizó una visita académica a la Universidad de Harvard,

El jueves 5 de abril, se presenta el seminario “Roaming: Dynamical Reaction Pathways in Phase Space“, con Stephen Wiggins, Profesor de Matemáticas Aplicadas y Director del Institute of Applied Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK.