
Instituto de Ingeniería Matemática y Computacional

Facultad de Matemáticas - Escuela de Ingeniería


El Instituto de Ingeniería Matemática y Computacional (IMC) los saluda atentamente y los invita al seminario que se dictará la próxima semana. 

Nicolás Barnafi, Instituto de Ingeniería Matemática y Computacional (IMC) y Facultad de Biología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Miércoles 28 de agosto de 2024, 13:40 hrs. (Presencial en auditorio Edificio San Agustín; link Zoom disponible escribiendo a Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.)


The equations of nonlinear poroelasticity describe the flow of one or more fluid phases through a complex network within a solid undergoing large deformations. One iconic example of such materials is soft tissue, but many other applications are relevant, such as hydrogels, CO2 sequestration and salt filters. We have been able to identify one important source of difficulties, deemed as primal inconsistency, which has given rise to novel formulations that are yet to be analyzed. Still, there is no general framework within which these equations can be analyzed, with the most successful one so far being that of generalized gradient flows. This formalism has given deep insight into the origin of historical fixed-point iterations used to solve linear models, such as fixed-stress and undrained iterations. In this talk, I will give an overview of these topics and hope to sparkle some curiosity to tackle some of these open challenges.


Seminario Barnafi