
Instituto de Ingeniería Matemática y Computacional

Facultad de Matemáticas - Escuela de Ingeniería

Este workshop interdisciplinario abordará temáticas relacionadas a la descripción matemática de sistemas y fenómenos biológicos tanto a escala molecular como a nivel de tejidos y órganos. Para ello se hará énfasis en el uso de nuevos modelos de aprendizaje automático e inteligencia artificial, así como en herramientas computacionales de simulación. Este workshop contará con la participación de destacados investigadores internacionales y nacionales.

Fecha: 24 de julio
Horario: 8:30-17:30
Lugar: Sala AP001, piso -1 del Edificio Aulas Las Pataguas (Campus San Joaquín)

Cupos limitados 

This interdisciplinary workshop will address topics related to the mathematical description of biological systems and phenomena at the molecular scale as well as at the level of tissues and organs. Emphasis will be placed on the use of new models of machine learning and artificial intelligence, as well as novel simulation tools. This workshop will be attended by leading international and national researchers.

Date: July 24th
Time: 8:30-17:30
Place: Classroom AP001, Las Pataguas Classroom Building (Sublevel 1), San Joaquin Campus

Places are limited 




Block: New frontiers in modeling biological systems


Time          Activity Description Name of the talk Mode
8:45-9:00 Reception Welcome by organizers   In person
9:00-9:45 Keynote Presentation Samuel Isaacson (Boston University Spatial Jump Process Models for Estimating Antibody-Antigen Interactions Remote
9:45-10:20 Invited Talk Nicolás Barnafi (IMC UC - Faculty of Biological Sciences UC)  Analysis and numerical approximation of fully nonlinear poroelasticity Remote
10:20-10:55     Invited Talk Carlos Sing-Long (IMC UC- IIBM UC) Tikhonov Regularization As a Nonparametric Method for Uncertainty Quantification for Dynamical Systems. Remote
10:55-11:25  Coffee Break Networking opportunity     


Block: New frontiers in modelling biophysical systems


Time          Activity Description Name of the talk Mode
11:25-12:10     Keynote Presentation Andrea Ravasio (IIBM UC) Multiscale mechanobiology and in silico forward engineering In person
12:10-12:45    Keynote Presentation Eduardo Cerpa (IMC UC - Faculty of Mathematics UC) Control and System Theory Methods in Neurostimulation In person
12:45-13:20   Invited Talk Anastasios Matzavinos (IMC UC) Stochastic differential equation models of chemotaxis driven by fractional Brownian motion In person
13:20-14:20   Lunch Break Networking opportunity    


Block: Biophysical and biosystems applications


Time Activity Description Name of the talk Mode
14:20-14:55  Invited Talk

Natalia Jiménez (IIBM UC)

Genome-scale model applications: from qualitative to quantitative and everything in between In person
14:55-15:30      Invited Talk Cristóbal Quiñinao (Faculty of Biological Sciences UC)  Microscopic models for mean field equations in biology: applications of the propagation of chaos property. In person
15:30-16:05 Invited Talk Matías Courdurier (Faculty of Mathematics UC) Mathematical model and stability analysis for an inverse problem in light sheet fluorescence microscopy In person
16:05-16:40 Invited Talk Felipe Engelberger (University of Leipzig) ElektroNN(s): Learning to Predict Electron Densities of Drug Molecules, Peptides, and Proteins from Small Fragments In person
16:40-17:30 Closing and cocktail Closing words from organizers; Networking event    


Poster workshop 3